Yesterday, May 10th was Mother's Day for many Latinos. I get to celebrate this day twice for my sisters, mom, cousins etc. That's one of the many benefits to being bicultural--you get to celebrate multiple holidays. It was a special Self-Care Day.
Self Care Practices:
So May 10th--pretty awesome and easy day. After kicking ass at work for four hours; I left early for a chiropractor appointment followed by deep tissue massage.
I was home by 2:30pm with no Chucho, child nor big child in the house. Just a kitty that leaves me alone unless its dinner time.
I rested. Took my CBD oil and the relaxation continued. Eventually the boys came home, we got ready for dinner and I was taken out on a sushi date with my favorite human beings.
The surprise--Mother's Day Powow!
My little one wanted to dance but backed out because he had no "dress" so I told him I would make him one. Instead of joining the others who were dancing in their beautiful regalia and native dresses, we walked around and danced. I watched his natural ability to follow the drum, to make his own steps flow and stomp on point. I want him to be immersed in our cultures; his father's American/Irish/German culture and my mixed Mexican, Native, American cultures. I want him to grow up embracing his uniqueness. That was the best Mother's Day present.

So today we celebrated Mother's Day with my child's grandmother, great-grandmother and his aunties. I was anxious but like I said, I want my kiddo to be immersed in all his cultures; know his family history.
Self-Care Practices:
Every day per my sponsors suggestion; I have been saying a prayer for the sick members in our family who I have developed resentments for. This is meant to relieve me of any anger and relieve me of any power they hold over me while enhancing my strength, my spiritual growth and freedom from resentments. Today I realized it works! I saw family members who have previously caused some grief and stress for my little family and I felt nothing but peace. I was able to have positive dialogue and my partner was able to look past the damage--at least for today. This is progress. We had a good time. No one talked shit to each other. No one made faces or rolled their eyes at one another. And the father-in-law blamed NO ONE.

I opened up for my home group meeting--shared about it. Welcomed the newcomers. I heard a lady talk about having 15 years clean and sober before drinking and using again without any meetings, step work nor sponsorship. She had managed to accumulate 39 days today. She was still in residential treatment but had obtained a special pass to visit a dying family friend. She had gone 18 years without speaking to her family. Her kids did not even know her own parents or where she came from. I don't want that for myself. I can't imagine what 15 years would look like for me without any sponsorship or step work--I would be insane. That is a scary thought considering I have gone 2 weeks without meetings in isolation mode and whenever that happens--it is NOT pretty. I also don't want to take away the opportunity from my child of meeting and interacting with family members. He needs to know where he comes from, so he can understand the immense strength he has inherited from his ancestors that will guide him to his destiny--hopefully avoid detours like his mother and father.

Self Care Practices:
- Graceful--apologize and accept apologies
- Breathe
- Back/neck alignment and massage
- Drums
- Dancing
So May 10th--pretty awesome and easy day. After kicking ass at work for four hours; I left early for a chiropractor appointment followed by deep tissue massage.
I was home by 2:30pm with no Chucho, child nor big child in the house. Just a kitty that leaves me alone unless its dinner time.
I rested. Took my CBD oil and the relaxation continued. Eventually the boys came home, we got ready for dinner and I was taken out on a sushi date with my favorite human beings.
The surprise--Mother's Day Powow!
My little one wanted to dance but backed out because he had no "dress" so I told him I would make him one. Instead of joining the others who were dancing in their beautiful regalia and native dresses, we walked around and danced. I watched his natural ability to follow the drum, to make his own steps flow and stomp on point. I want him to be immersed in our cultures; his father's American/Irish/German culture and my mixed Mexican, Native, American cultures. I want him to grow up embracing his uniqueness. That was the best Mother's Day present.

So today we celebrated Mother's Day with my child's grandmother, great-grandmother and his aunties. I was anxious but like I said, I want my kiddo to be immersed in all his cultures; know his family history.
Self-Care Practices:
- I practiced my breathing.
- I practiced praying to my higher power (god of my own understanding).
- Stepwork
Every day per my sponsors suggestion; I have been saying a prayer for the sick members in our family who I have developed resentments for. This is meant to relieve me of any anger and relieve me of any power they hold over me while enhancing my strength, my spiritual growth and freedom from resentments. Today I realized it works! I saw family members who have previously caused some grief and stress for my little family and I felt nothing but peace. I was able to have positive dialogue and my partner was able to look past the damage--at least for today. This is progress. We had a good time. No one talked shit to each other. No one made faces or rolled their eyes at one another. And the father-in-law blamed NO ONE.

I opened up for my home group meeting--shared about it. Welcomed the newcomers. I heard a lady talk about having 15 years clean and sober before drinking and using again without any meetings, step work nor sponsorship. She had managed to accumulate 39 days today. She was still in residential treatment but had obtained a special pass to visit a dying family friend. She had gone 18 years without speaking to her family. Her kids did not even know her own parents or where she came from. I don't want that for myself. I can't imagine what 15 years would look like for me without any sponsorship or step work--I would be insane. That is a scary thought considering I have gone 2 weeks without meetings in isolation mode and whenever that happens--it is NOT pretty. I also don't want to take away the opportunity from my child of meeting and interacting with family members. He needs to know where he comes from, so he can understand the immense strength he has inherited from his ancestors that will guide him to his destiny--hopefully avoid detours like his mother and father.

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